Entitled Christians

Entitled Christians 

My love letter to you

I was a good little Christian girl. I was born and raised in the church, I loved the church I learned a lot. I learned that God is LOVE but he’s also violent, his justice is swift and I was terrified and in awe of his ways. Revealations scared me, I’m sure some of you can relate? You want to talk about The Holy Bible, I memorized so much of it, I sang it every Sunday for decades in hymns. Later on in life, I sold them all kinds of beautiful Bibles, I still have plenty in my home.  I knew what made each version different. I was trained to have an answer for everything, except for why Christians often didn’t act like the Christians were supposed to. Why I had to hide who I really was, why I was afraid of being disowned as I am not just attracted to men. I tried to drown that part of me for decades because people like me deserve “eternal hell and damnation” 

Violence... like so many Christians, I had to hide my abuse because it would bring shame to my family. As an adult I realized that not all Christians honoured me, my skin, my body or even decency which is highly enforced especially on women. 

God is love....

Christians, your God is love but your God is violent, your God kills and destroys.  Why is it only when White people who worship “White Jesus” get to use excessive force and violence when it comes to justice? 

Christians why do you pick and choose justice how and when it suits you? You choose when to mock us, punish us, murder us and burn our cities down. The Klan lynched us, burned CROSSES on our lawns, burned our houses to the ground while singing hymns and holding their Bibles tightly. They forced every nation to serve God through blood, terror and violence... 

Indigenous peoples were robbed of their lands, kidnapped, tortured, sexually abused,  raped, massacred all while being called “savages and heathens”All in the name of your God! You, the White man portrayed yourselves as pioneers who conquered the Great White North, at what price? Shattered lives, broken lineages, lost mother tongues, rivers of blood and festering disease with no immunity against it. Till this day, in meagre abodes without drinkable water or proper heating. Hidden away so no one could see the shame and devastation of how you left those glorious people in poverty and ruin. 

Blacks were, sold , traded, stolen, abused,  whipped, tortured, raped, our babies fed to crocodiles and dogs, we were forced to breed like cattle, at times with our heads covered to hide the shame of laying with own family members. Forced to labour on stolen lands. Names, languages and lineages stripped from us, forced to served the White mans God (who isint even White)

Those who didn’t make it across the oceans due to illness and disease, were dumped while trauma caused others to leaped plunge their deaths overboard.

It’s all in past you say?? 

Y’all are still lynching us...the systems in place to enslave us are still there, no visible chains (if you don’t count the millions incarcerated) The evil has seeped into every level that control our lives, government, educational, health , finance. We’re still in chains. 

Some of you may say, two wrongs don’t make a right, oh those sanctimonious words, the problem is you still haven’t owned up to your wrongs. One generation after the next saying” “That’s not my problem” “I didn’t enslave anyone”,  all the while benefitting from these horrendous acts of “the past”

You denied all the hurt you, your parents and their parents, and their parents’ parents, have caused millions of people on this planet. Have you ever asked God to forgive you, have you tried to make amends in some way? Are you still living with hate and bitterness towards anyone who doesn’t look or sound like you, now that you’re stuck with us? 

Quite often you’re so proud to say “ I’m related to the Queen of England or King Louis, “My great grandfather served in World War I”... the past matters when it suits you, only to bask in your holy White glory. When challenged, it’s quickly shut down.

In the 1950s and 60s Blacks and Whites still had different drinking fountains, segregated schools, White people were free to abuse Black women, men and children without punishment even after the wars, and still was little to no consequence. 

We still don’t matter to you ...

Christians especially White Christians want to say “All Lives Matter” but they don’t mean all of us, they mean “All White privileged lives matter” not Black, not Brown, definitely not illegal, poor or marginalized.

Admitting that Black Lives Matter, that Black people matter just as much as anyone else,  would mean they would have to acknowledge their wrongs and have to make amends. It would mean they would have to treat Black people like their equal in every way. There isint enough dollars that could possibly pay for what’s been done, the loss of our names, lineage, culture, systemic racism, unlawful incarceration.. there is absolutely no price tag. Colonizers don’t want to own up to their dirty past, or even their underhanded present, that’s why the push back is so strong! Your biggest weakness your stubbornness and your guilt, you don’t want it your forefathers didn’t want it but it’s all yours and “karma, that little word you like to borrow from the East is knocking on your door” Time is up!

Generations of Blacks and marginalized folks are in pain, the pain is in our DNA, the trauma has been set in our bloodline. 

White privileged Christians I am speaking to you, YOU have grieved the true and living God and now YOU are being judged!!!! Now YOU will pay! 

You reap what you sow, because of your stubbornness and your pride. You never thought it applied to White folks did you? As your cities burn, your entitled young sons and daughters are burning them.... OUR blood paid for everything you own the very earth is crying out for justice!

If you are waiting for a saviour, he isint coming back for any of you “Entitled Christians” until you make things right! 

“The fire next time.”

Amen and Amen...


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