Your Black Friend

Your Black Friend 

Nope you’re not allowed to say or do that cause I’m your “Black Friend”
I also give some people the side eye when they try to fist bump me... no it’s not ok for me.

No it’s not ok cause Im your “Black friend” I got rid of most of those types anyway.

No I’m not bringing you to Black events cause Im your “ Black Friend”  especially if you keep silent about my oppression and definitely if you don’t include me in anything else.

I stopped talking to a man for almost 20 years cause he called me the N word. You don’t get a pass. Its that deep and my ancestors will NOT be disrespected! I have boundaries that must be respected.

Your proximity to me doesn’t mean you know the struggle, cause you can walk away from the struggle as soon as you aren’t with me. Even while you’re with me.

Know your place know your role the same way I can get followed, harassed, raped or killed for not knowing mine.

Being an ally is not just hanging with the peeps and taking part in their culture, it’s respecting them, educating yourself about those you care about and caring enough about them to not cause more harm.


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