Those Gym Selfies (Bopo post)

Yes these are gym bathroom selfies. I’m fatter and heavier in person and I like it! šŸ˜‰ *Edited*
Back story: My 1st childhood doctor measured my back and shoulders, and told me I was going to be big girl(and eat jello, he meant well(back in the 80s) but he didn't tell me to starve or hate myself... important!!!!) I was never meant to be skinny based on my bone structure and genetics....(not up for debate!) He was right though, I was dragged through toxic diet culture for decades trying to force something that wansnt meant to be. I was around age 11-12 at the time when I was told something that was totally against what society was screaming at us... Lose weight or die trying! We have died in so many ways, stripped of our dignity, shunned and shamed till some of us couldn't take it any more. That's not the life for me, in fact that has resulted in the deaths of countless people. This is not an Ive lost weight post, Ive gained! this is not a weight loss count down, that's not my goal, not my journey and not my story to tell...ever.
My Doctor taught me that some of us will be different and look different and that ok! I've always worked out, danced, walked, jogged, swam, gym on and off but one thing was constant I was ALWAYS fat! You can tell me I'm doing it wrong, that's ok thats what is always said, I can literally build muscle without blinking and that not the norm for most women...I'm obviously a warrior(it's a secret!)
The confidence I have at ANY size is hugely due to the late Dr. Sidney Wise(RIP) when I was a child, I was introduced to my one and only doctor who wasnt entirely fat phobic and it saved my life!!! ❤️ #imfatterinperson


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