You Just Lost One

🌼Simple ways to lose me🌼

These are just common sense but some fellas have lost me this way. Here's some examples:

Don't let me breathe​, be jealous for no reason or clingy.  I have a life and a schedule I'll still have one. Just more time for you to join in.

Please don't expect me to drop everything I do that makes me happy for you. I wouldn't ask the same of you. I'm a free spirit you knew this going in!

Try to claim me when haven't even established ground rules for a relationship.  Following my every word, stalking my posts. But wait youre doing that with every other woman too. You want me to think I'm special Nah. I think you're creepy!

That goes along with cock blocking.
Ok so youre stalking me making people think we're together and we aren't even dating? GTFO!! Lie to me and you're done! Cya!

So you wanna be 'exclusive' but you want it on the down low...No one knowing no status change no interaction in public. Do I Iook like an idiot to you? I'm not your put on reserve chick for when you're in the mood. #boybye
Tell me you're serious but youre still playing the field. I'll see your lips moving but believe me..nothing will get through to my heart after that.
Don't defend me or protect me when I am attacked be it verbally emotionally and definitely physically  Don't communicate: you're unreliable and inconsistent or lacking in integrity....Eww gag gross!

Only need me when YOU need me... umm No.

If you're spiteful or arrogant....I won't walk I'll run!! Be hurtful and then shift the blame on me for overreacting( or what they call gaslighting now)

Not loyal..Need I say more?

Ignore, I mean will fully ignore me to upset me and forget your name and number like you even existed! --------------------------- Any more deal breakers for you to add?

#selfesteem #boundaries #no #stalker #posessive #letmebreathe #idontcompleteyou #emotionalabuseisstillabuse #limits #selfworth #dontsettle


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