Fake Concern

This is a huge topic I'll probably address in my blog www.cammydoll.blogspot.com in the near future.
We the people do NOT need your FAKE concern
Our health
Our weight
Our choices
Because when it comes down to it

You don't really care!
Oh no you don't...For you see

Youre not checking on your 'fat friends
Youre not visiting the depressed
You're not feeding the homeless
You're still calling people crazy
You're disowning friends and family
You're not saying no to viral hate and violence
You're not asking the cutter to come out for lunch

You just want to hear yourself
You want to feel powerful
By rendering others powerless
By degrading
Tying to make yourself feel Superior
Because it is you who is a prisoner to society''s standards
You are the slave
You are controlled
It is you who's

So instead of building a bridge of hope you seek others to join in your gang of trolling hate
Under the bridge of your own insecurity
When you should be helping and healing yourself first and others

So this is your wake up call
Because we won't take your
Fake Concern
We will
.and even say thank you!
Because we will fight even harder
To spread love hope and definitely not
Fake Concern!

#bopo #bodypositive #bodyconfidence #werenitdoneyet #effyourbeautystandards #bigandblunt #beautyinallsizes #beautyisskindeep


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