1 Year Ago
...May find this triggering... Skip past if needed ❤
This was me exactly 1 year ago!
I have something important to say... I decided not to share the original post on my Facebook because it was filled with well intentioned congratulations on my weight loss. You know I am body positive right??? So that doesn't sit well with me as well meaning as they were.
I'll explain.... I took this photo at my friend's house near High Park. A big beautiful park in Toronto.. I took some lovely nature photos later on that day.
Yes I am 60 pounds less here and perhaps 10 pounds lighter than that now I don't own a scale cause I don't care about the numbers like I did all my life... BUT may I remind you.....I am still the SAME person I am no more healthier....(Especially presently I'm sick ) I am no more happier because of my change in size.. I was always a happy FAT chick!!!! 👍My outside doesn't define me it does however change how I am perceived which saddens me..... I wish people would stop judging, blaming and shaming and then applauding people or telling them they look BETTER after becoming smaller.
Here's why ... it perpetuates the myth that fat is ugly. Fat isint ugly skinny isint ugly. Being healthy is ok sure. Healthy and skinny isint always automatic... same as fat and unhealthy. I've been fat all my life.. Ive been healthy most my life too. I changed what I ate only to treat my Psoriasis and gut issues the weight loss was just a side effect and my battle with autoimmune disease is ongoing.
I had already accepted myself long ago and was totally in love with who I am.
Dont ever stop loving who you are because of what people tell you... You are beautiful and worthy of self acceptance. ❤XoXo
On that note and I miss my booty!!!!! LOL
Love y'all 💖 #bopo #iamsizebeautiilful #bodypositive #beautifulatanysize #imstillme #bodyconfidence #iDefineMe
This was me exactly 1 year ago!
I have something important to say... I decided not to share the original post on my Facebook because it was filled with well intentioned congratulations on my weight loss. You know I am body positive right??? So that doesn't sit well with me as well meaning as they were.
I'll explain.... I took this photo at my friend's house near High Park. A big beautiful park in Toronto.. I took some lovely nature photos later on that day.
Yes I am 60 pounds less here and perhaps 10 pounds lighter than that now I don't own a scale cause I don't care about the numbers like I did all my life... BUT may I remind you.....I am still the SAME person I am no more healthier....(Especially presently I'm sick ) I am no more happier because of my change in size.. I was always a happy FAT chick!!!! 👍My outside doesn't define me it does however change how I am perceived which saddens me..... I wish people would stop judging, blaming and shaming and then applauding people or telling them they look BETTER after becoming smaller.
Here's why ... it perpetuates the myth that fat is ugly. Fat isint ugly skinny isint ugly. Being healthy is ok sure. Healthy and skinny isint always automatic... same as fat and unhealthy. I've been fat all my life.. Ive been healthy most my life too. I changed what I ate only to treat my Psoriasis and gut issues the weight loss was just a side effect and my battle with autoimmune disease is ongoing.
I had already accepted myself long ago and was totally in love with who I am.
Dont ever stop loving who you are because of what people tell you... You are beautiful and worthy of self acceptance. ❤XoXo
On that note and I miss my booty!!!!! LOL
Love y'all 💖 #bopo #iamsizebeautiilful #bodypositive #beautifulatanysize #imstillme #bodyconfidence #iDefineMe