Mannequin Series my March Madness
My birthday falls in March, March 7th to be exact and I was determined to have an amazing birthday month.. there is something about declaring what you want.. be it good or bad...(thats for another post) I declared March to be March Madness.. so I added that to a few of my posts before my birthday.. Little did I know how accurate this would be.
If you know me you know I suffer from SADS or Seasonal Depression, due to lack of vitamin D from the sun and staying indoors more due to colder temperatures I become depressed.. Some years are much better than others.. it lasts from late December till February for me. Then March kicks around leading up to my birthday and I get all hyped.. it usually carries me through from Spring till end of Fall.
1 week ago was the 1st of Spring and I was ecstatic... then it happened....
My longtime friend and Photographer Julia Busato was banned from Facebook for a month, after too many haters reported some of the pictures in her Mannequin Series Album. not long after that the BBC got a hold of the story.... then the media was all over it Worldwide!! The news reports came in like a flood all week and.. Things will never be the same for my friend for us and hopefully the body positive movement.
Here's some links to the story
CBC News
ET Canada
Yahoo Style (Im featured here)
Buzz Feed My favourite article written by one of our very own models and if Buzz Feed wasnt
I totally lost it when we made Huffington Post!!!
Huffington Post (Im featured here)
The articles and media coverage keep pouring in. Enjoying the ride!
Letters and stories and messages keep coming in from around the world. So many personal stories of how people have been so broken by the messages society says about how were supposed to look. I will no doubt be adding to this post.
It was mindblowing at first but after a few days Ive been able to relax a bit..Im thrilled for everyone involved. So many of these models (most of which arent professional models but wanted to do the project)have been working with people, writing, doing photography, educating others and advocating for the marginalized, the misfit, the discriminated against. So much of the good they have been doing has finally come back to them. I know for myself Ive had so many seasons of sorrow. I was due for some joy. Even so my main purpose was to not let others get to the lows Ive been to in my life... I am a healer type. Nothing makes me happier in life than to know I can make someones day better.
Now Im out there, Ive been working at this for so long, encouraging people writing, talking, listening. Sharing my selfies, my joy my smile... The universe said... its time its time!
There's no turning back now.. March Madness seriously! :)