Birthday Lessons

Dude I hit 44 yall.. wow!!!!
I feel the same and I feel different.
I feel more comfortable with life and my body and things around me.

My hot as hades temper has susbsided and other things have increased in temperature oye!
I choose my battles...
My smile is wider.
Ive lost more friends and family...
Time is shorter
Life is more precious.
Im living the moment and digging deeper.
I appreciate everyone and everything more than ever before

Im connecting rebuilding mending forgiving....
The regrets are few ...the lessons are many

Im loving harder
Im making sure no one gets missed
Im not leaving any behind...
Im taking bigger risks
Im not asking what if...
Im going all in

Im not holding back...umm well that hasnt changed :)

I still giggle like a teen
I still make silly mistakes
I still mess up
I still blush when Im flirted with
I still have crushes
I still wonder why he didnt choose me...
I still cry it out...

I still dream big
I still imagine im a princess...
I still get excited when I walk past a playground
I still long for Summer...
I still remember....

Love and trust is still a big issue for me but.. however Im stepping out more..
I'm socializing (Go me!)
I'm attracting men again like honey to bees..OMG....I guess enthusiasm is contagious... *smiles*

Finding a weird and awkward nerd like me is still a challenge but I can appreciate how unique and beautiful everyone is around me...

Wear each year you get through like a badge of honour... you are among the living!
I read somewhere to treat birthdays like levels in a video game.. so Im at level 44 hahaha..Now thats kind of exciting!

Live that life
Live it now!
Therers much living to do! xo


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