Know your Angles

Im going to be honest here...some people are just plain ole naturally photogenic.. You take a pic of them and bam fantastic! This doesn't mean that a person isint attractive when it doesnt happen that easily. Everyone is photo worthy!

Im not one of those naturally all angles fantastic really I have some angles that look great and some not so much.

I want those of you who want to learn to take better pics to practice practice practice. Drive your Facebook friends nuts with your selfies.  Hey if they cant handle it they will unfriend you and who needs that kind of negativity LOL.

You can also do what I did and post pics in a private album so  you can see how you look if you think you are spamming your friends too much.

If it wasnt for my selfies I wouldnt have gotten my first client.. sooo... It teaches you a lot about yourself and me on this one!
Here a few of me just playing around with Angles.


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