Bye Bye Summer
Dear Summer,
you were fantastic! You we're all I could have imagined, you were adventure, filled with new sites, culture, concerts, food, and many new friends. I visited my favourite spot on the boardwalk, a few times! Enjoyed a week away with my boys, a few jumps(swims) in our great Lake Ontario and all this while holding down a full time job. I lived it up, because living it up to me is taking time to soak in life's beauty! I didn't hop on any planes this year...I miss that but I did you proud Summer! You were longer and warmer than any year in my memory and that led to a very happy Cammy!
You wrapped me in happiness and love. Thanks Summer!
Cammydoll xoxo
Its Labour Day in Canada, the unofficial end to Summer here and it's sad for me as I thrive on the extra sunshine and Vitamin D that our short Summer is filled with. So now it's time to prepare for battle....Now I'll need to eat even better, get my sun exposure and take my vitamin D daily! Last year was the first in many over 4 years I didn't have S.A.D.( Seasonal Affective Disorder) I'm trying for year 2. :)
Never apologize for having a good time while you are sad, down, ill, weak, stressed out, or going through difficult times. You have the right to do all you can to keep your spirits up and even to inspire others when things aren't so rosy. Put some joy in your reserve tank. You never know when it will come in handy as you reflect on moment in time.
Im doing my best to make my favourite season last in my heart throughout the whole year and wishing you sunny days! Heres to Summer all year! Keep the sunshine in! #letsgo! #armorup #takecare #healthmatters
#ilu #xoxo