Celebration of Life

Exactly 1 year ago my Dad passed away, it was sudden and a shock to most of my family.  I shut myself off from the world for 3 weeks! Daddy was so peaceful he gave me time to grieve. He's been sleeping peacefully ever since... After that I had time to reflect on the legacy that lay squarely on my shoulders.. I reflected, searched and found my life again. I healed in many ways.
I spent my entire life looking for heroes, only to realize, "The hero lies within me" I have to be that champion...I had to take ownership on whether to live life with a glass half full or empty! I have the power to choose a life that's fulfilling no matter the circumstance! With that revelation,  I picked my shattered pieces up, dusted myself off and began a new journey.  All my strength comes from my Heavenly Father , he was always there.  "I can do all things through Christ  who gives me strength!!" Phil 4:13
My whole life changed for the better. It's a continual work in progress.  Dad would be smiling on me now.
So this date, June 6th, will be ever etched in my heart as a celebration of life! The life my Dad gave to me and the one I will live till it's time to pass the torch.
Don't be sorry for me, I'm not! Live your life till its overflowing with joy!!!!

R.I.P Daddy!


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