Why True Sisterhood is important?
Remember your childhood friend, the one you would hang out with laugh with, check out boys with, shop with, share your food with? The friend who made hours seem like minutes? They kept your secrets and still do. If you are lucky enough you are still close with your friend and see them often. Some of us arent in close contact with our best buddies anymore. One thing I noticed when my two best friends ever moved away... I became depressed. It took me a while to figure out exactly why I wasnt feeling like myself. I used to hang out with them a few times a month, go to a restaurant gab away or have coffee and off we went to our regular lives again. It was all I needed and I didn't realize how fulfilling and necessary it was until it was no more.
Its no wonder foreign women seem happier than North American women in larger towns where women don't hang out together as much. In many cultures this it the norm, women gather together to cook, craft, mind their children and to work. Here we work and go back to out little boxes our four walls and retreat away from the rest of the world, only to get on our gadgets and social networks, because we are lacking real face to face social interaction.
Females need other supportive females in their lives, ones they can trust and count on.
As ive grown a little older I noticed how the dynamics played out in female dominated workplaces such as health care. I was deeply disappointed to see how some ladies ripped each other apart, gossiped and stepped over each other to climb the corporate ladder.
What has happened to the sisterhood? Does it exist anymore. Our women only friends in childhood? Do women want the best for other women? Do we have to be our own worst enemy?
When we tear each other apart, steal each other's men, push other women out of jobs, backbite and backstab, not only are we destroying ourselves we are destroying our communities and it doesn't stop there. I know I don't want to be in a constant state of mistrust even though I have been betrayed severely by women. I know there are good apples out there, good people like me who don't cater to jealousy and wish to see others succeed.
Im calling on all women to get back to sisterhood, no matter race, creed and colour. We arent each others enemies we need to be each others allies. We need to forgive, love, learn and build bridges. Let the mending begin.