Managing with Psoriasis Tips: The. Basics
If you arent used to being ill, learning to manage with Psoriasis comes with a learning curve. It will change your life and how you do things. I did many things to become clear in my body. I am in remission and hope to remain that way. Here are some tips Ive found useful in making my life more comfortable so I was able to function and get on with my days.
1. Personal Care Products
Put aside or give away all your products and start fresh. You want to make sure nothing is aggrivating your skin. Start slow and check to see which products are making you feel worse or better.
2. Check for food allergies or sensitivities. Check for allergies to pets. Allergies may trigger your condition. One bad reaction can set your whole body off.
3. Check your laundry products, some may may irritate your skin. You are wearing your clothes all day, you want to make sure nothing is making matters worse.
4. Household cleaners
Things that we use often play a factor in skin conditions. Not all chemicals are bad but some can be very toxic. Since Ive been diagnosed, Ive become hypersensitive to products than never used to bother me.
5. Diet
Sometimes small changes in our diet can wreak havoc in our systems and throw it off balance. Check with your doctor and speak to them about what tests can be done to make sure you are functioning correctly.
6. Stress
Stress and how we manage it affects our health. Having Psoriasis can be quite stressful and it may lower our immunity causing more flares, its a vicious circle. Finding ways to manage our stress levels are essential to fighting this condition.
7. Medicine
How you choose to fight is up to you, some use traditional medicines, some use natural, some a combo of the two. I started off with betamethsome prescribed by my dermatologist , and weaned myself off and went to natural remedies.
8. Environmental
Get your air in your home checked also check for dust mites as they prefer people with skin conditions like psoriasis. Use protective coverings on your beds and pillows as a precaution. You may want to introduce air filtering house plants. Some people use shower filters which can be purchased at big box hardware stores or specialized water filtration stores.
9. Stay Active
This is extremely important for those with skin issues. We are not feeling our best and its even harder to stay motivated with pains, itchiness and irritation. If we dont fight to remain active our immune will weaken even faster and our condition may worsen.
10. Dont Give Up
The mind and will are the most powerful tools we own. Speak positive, speak healing, speak life. Feed your mind with uplifting words. Speak it visualize it and it will cause you to fight from the inside out.
I want to hear your story,ideas, advice, remedies(not sales pitches) you may leave comments below.
1. Personal Care Products
Put aside or give away all your products and start fresh. You want to make sure nothing is aggrivating your skin. Start slow and check to see which products are making you feel worse or better.
2. Check for food allergies or sensitivities. Check for allergies to pets. Allergies may trigger your condition. One bad reaction can set your whole body off.
3. Check your laundry products, some may may irritate your skin. You are wearing your clothes all day, you want to make sure nothing is making matters worse.
4. Household cleaners
Things that we use often play a factor in skin conditions. Not all chemicals are bad but some can be very toxic. Since Ive been diagnosed, Ive become hypersensitive to products than never used to bother me.
5. Diet
Sometimes small changes in our diet can wreak havoc in our systems and throw it off balance. Check with your doctor and speak to them about what tests can be done to make sure you are functioning correctly.
6. Stress
Stress and how we manage it affects our health. Having Psoriasis can be quite stressful and it may lower our immunity causing more flares, its a vicious circle. Finding ways to manage our stress levels are essential to fighting this condition.
7. Medicine
How you choose to fight is up to you, some use traditional medicines, some use natural, some a combo of the two. I started off with betamethsome prescribed by my dermatologist , and weaned myself off and went to natural remedies.
8. Environmental
Get your air in your home checked also check for dust mites as they prefer people with skin conditions like psoriasis. Use protective coverings on your beds and pillows as a precaution. You may want to introduce air filtering house plants. Some people use shower filters which can be purchased at big box hardware stores or specialized water filtration stores.
9. Stay Active
This is extremely important for those with skin issues. We are not feeling our best and its even harder to stay motivated with pains, itchiness and irritation. If we dont fight to remain active our immune will weaken even faster and our condition may worsen.
10. Dont Give Up
The mind and will are the most powerful tools we own. Speak positive, speak healing, speak life. Feed your mind with uplifting words. Speak it visualize it and it will cause you to fight from the inside out.
I want to hear your story,ideas, advice, remedies(not sales pitches) you may leave comments below.