Love Laundry and Beads
The city of Toronto, Ontario , population 2.615 million strong as of the 2011 Census, is one of the most multicultural cities in the entire world! Blending in here is pretty easy. Depending on where you reside the average apartment building, may represent 30 nations or more easily.
Finding international cuisine is phenomonal. Toronto is a foodies paradise! The dating scene is no different, every nation is here. Living in this city, it would be easy for me to take for granted that this isint the norm everywhere.
This is true for my friends to the south in some states Blacks and Whites don't always live side by side or even in the same neighborhood . Some black people havent touch whites in their entire life. I went to schools where children of every race played with each other, learned together, had lunch together.
There are definitely some old wounds in the south aching to be healed.
I continue to learn about other cultures, history and lifestyles. It fascinates me to no end. It broadens my perspective by allowing me to step into someone else's world briefly.
I truly believe we have so much to learn from one another and it is my hope that walls continue to come down as we enrich each others lives by our unique gifts and flavours that we bring to the table.
I was messing around with my beads, as Im a jewelery designer, at times the beads get mixed up and I need to sort them so I can focus in my projects. The beads looked eager and willing to be set free and play. I was prompted to make a quick post on my personal Facebook.
Its shown in the photo below.
Something to think about :)