Its ok to be YOU

I had to learn at an early age to love and accept myself.. I grew up in a time where being fat was seen as negative. Not just from inside the walls of my home but on the screen and from everyday people. I had to grasp at some self esteem or I wasn't going to grow up with very much confidence. Lucikly I found  my place in the world and I believe my years working at Cotton Ginny helped. They had a Plus size division and it was one of the few places where a girl like me could get cute comfy clothes.. the 50% off discount didn't hurt one bit.  Ive spent many years hanging out with BBW Ontario a group of BBW ladies and admirers who not only were great people to hang out with in general many have become longtime friends who I treasure. Some are no longer plus due to changes in their bodies, be it from exercise diet, health, and surgical procedures. The fact remains... the common tread in our journey had brought about a sisterhood.
One of these sisters is Stina, always apologetically herself.. adorned with her trademark star tats above her chest on either side... shes a goth.. which seemingly opposite of my Christian self... we have a kinship... and that is we aren't afraid to be who we are. We have been supportive in each others endeavors  though we haven't seen each other in years, we always been cool.

Stina created a company Everyday is Like Halloween a few years ago selling spooky, creepy and rockabilly type trinkets, accessories from her home. I told her she was on to something, she has a knack for sales and putting herself out there and her latest project Fatshion Peepshow. She decided to do an article 101 Body Positive Bikini Babes and I was happy to put a submission in. I'm way down at the bottom as I sent mine last minute to fill in some empty spots. Look for Cammy but before you do save the link take your time to read some posts its quite uplifting, empowering and filled with encouragement.  Its doing well and its helping a lot of ladies to realize its ok to wear a bikini at any size. Be bold, be brave and step out and enjoy life. Its too short to let what other people think of you control your life. I am so proud to be a part of it. It if helps one young insecure girl or a woman locked up in her house afraid to get out there.. then it was worth it.. Enjoy!
101 Body Positive Bikini Babes


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