World AIDS Day 2010

So Today is World AIDS Day....
AIDS?? " Im sure this is just some abstract thing that happens to people on TV." "It happens to people over there!" "It happens to those who deserve it!."It happens to people who don't know any better. I have nothing to worry about, Im covered, right?

Everyone knows someone who has been affected by cancer and other potential terminal illnesses. Ive lost friends and family to cancer as well. Cancer is a horrible pervasive disease which gets plenty of attention becasue its not something brought on, you dont have to do anything to get it. From the young innocent to little old grannies get it from no fault of their own. This brings sympathy to the cause. How many people personally know someone who has had AIDS or died from AIDS?  You may know a few or many depending on your experience. On the other side of the world its far too common, whole villiages and towns wiped out but this disease is closer than we think. It also has no age, no gender no barries or status and class. However it is preventable. Its everywhere, the problem is you can't see it on a persons face till till its too late. Before I went to school to study nursing, a career in which you deal with every type of ailment on the daily, I went to school to study Paralegal because Im all about justice :). my class there was a gentleman who had full blown AIDS. I dont know if he is kicking anymore, this was back in 2007. He was such a joy to be around! We sat together on many occasions. We'd laugh and chat, he told me about his life before, how he had been married, he had several successful businesses  and memories of days gone by.  He was so filled with hope and energy. I knew I wanted some of what he had.
 Sometimes he didnt show up for class and I knew it was because he was either too ill to get up or he had yet another doctor's appointment.
I missed him, he was like a father to me, gentle wanting nothing more than to share in this experience of higher learning because he was granted another day! I was never afraid to sit with him. I knew it wasnt catchy! Often Id look at his nails, they were blackened due to his illness, I felt a tinge of concern knowing he was going downhill. I was also ill with my hyperthryoidism and I could barely keep up, so tired and weary every night and day. I had no idea how he could deal.

I did well in class but my affliction got the better of me and I had to drop out so close to finishing. I went back to school and graduated with honours (just had to add that!)  and Now I work with people who are ill and need personal care and attention in all areas. I think of this man sometimes and I wonder if he passed on.

You know, it could have been me it could have been anyone who had unprotected sex in the past, present, future... Did we just get lucky? For it is not by our good deeds that we have been spared, none of us are good! We are all sinners with no way out but through our heavenly father. So what have I to learn from this? I know that the spark of joy and hope my friend gave to me was for a reason and here and now I am writing away and Im hoping that it touches you too. So to my friend hope all is well wherever you are till we meet again. I Miss You!!


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