
Thanks for the cold days for now my heart is warm

Thanks for the heartaches for now Im filled with compassion

Thanks for being harsh for now I am filled with courage

Thanks for the tears for now I am ready to embrace

Thanks for the disappointments for now I think ahead

Thanks for the deceit for now I think with my head

Thanks for braking me for now I can heal

Thanks for mocking me for now I am a defender of the meek

Thanks for the hunger for now I feed the poor

Thanks for the war for now I have peace

Thanks for the rain for it washes the slate clean

Thanks for the losses for now I celebrate life

Thanks for the hugs for I needed one

Thanks for the laughter for it melts the pain

Thanks for the ear for I wouldnt have made it without you

Thanks for showing me a different way for I am not afraid to explore

The sting, the pain, the laughter, the tears all made me who I am and who I will be... so I take this time to be thankful for it all. All those placed in my life to teach me all these lessons. The silly and huge mistakes I made in my life, the leaps of courage I have taken and will take. I used to ask why, why me why it it so hard, why again and again. The picture is becoming clearer and its making more sense as I wise up, appreciate and mature. All of this stuff in my life molds me makes me into who I am and it prepares me for what I have yet to become. What I do with these experiences are yet to be explored...
Thanks : )


Tasha said…
LOVE this, Gail. You are such a strong women of FAITH. The ability to praise God through the valley and on the mountain is such an important aspect of our continual growth in His Love. And you are an inspiration! Love you lots!

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