Meek Doesnt Always Mean Weak
You're so quiet? people would often say to me and Id give them a once over...huh? what? you're talking about me???? I remember the days when Id have almost NO filter. Id speak my mind to anyone about anything, mind you I had some tact but to those closest Id just tell it like it is. God has refined me and continues to daily through his word through reading it absorbing it digesting it. Slowly but surely over the years I saw myself turning into somewhat of an introvert again! NOT shy, there is a difference but the layers of anger and bitterness started melting away and I began to TRUST people bit by bit. The core of me just became more quiet, peaceful and content. My compassion for others grew in leaps and bounds. I listened. I enjoy listening!! no really I did!
My mind is full of thoughts non-stop darting here and there, constantly bored to tears...well at least it was its changing. I can focus on two things as a time instead of five now hahaha...
You see when I became more God focused my little world stopped looking so BIG, it isint all about me! universe with glittery moons and stars dancing about. it became Wow..... God what can I do to make this world a better place? What can I do for my family, my friends, my neighbours? How can I melt the ME away? This wasn't an overnight operation, fix her up and send her on her way. I cant tell you exactly when it happened but I can tell you its certainly wasn't all my doing or within my power. Its a testimony of the power of God.
Being quiet or meek isin't about being weak. It takes strength to bite your tongue when you could easily rip someones head off with your words, a stern look or a cut of the eye, trust me I had it down to a science!!! It takes grace and strength of character. It doesn't end there, there's homework to be done on an ongoing basis. We do have a right to defend ourselves so if we feel we have been wronged and there is time, pull the person aside and set it straight. I dont always do this, I tend to dwell on how Ive been wronged, do a song and dance about it then let it go... (working on it) Of course there are times when you never get a chance to say whats on your heart, that's when you have to take it to prayer, write it down and sort it out. I keep reminding myself that I am human, we all are. We are going to get hurt and hurt others, but it does us no good to dwell on it the rest of our days. I don't want to be stuck not being able to move on or enjoy my life. I have some deep emotional scars BUT knowing others have them too helps me to deal. Knowing what Christ went through here on earth for us, the pain, the rejection, going through every earthly emotion even abandonment!! He understands and he's been there in the flesh! He has our back!
Am I going to live my life as a victim, who kicks and scratches at every apparent threat? or am I going to live my life clothed in the strength of Christ, assured in his peace and confident in his love that he has freely given to me? I think the answer is quite obvious :)
My mind is full of thoughts non-stop darting here and there, constantly bored to tears...well at least it was its changing. I can focus on two things as a time instead of five now hahaha...
You see when I became more God focused my little world stopped looking so BIG, it isint all about me! universe with glittery moons and stars dancing about. it became Wow..... God what can I do to make this world a better place? What can I do for my family, my friends, my neighbours? How can I melt the ME away? This wasn't an overnight operation, fix her up and send her on her way. I cant tell you exactly when it happened but I can tell you its certainly wasn't all my doing or within my power. Its a testimony of the power of God.
Being quiet or meek isin't about being weak. It takes strength to bite your tongue when you could easily rip someones head off with your words, a stern look or a cut of the eye, trust me I had it down to a science!!! It takes grace and strength of character. It doesn't end there, there's homework to be done on an ongoing basis. We do have a right to defend ourselves so if we feel we have been wronged and there is time, pull the person aside and set it straight. I dont always do this, I tend to dwell on how Ive been wronged, do a song and dance about it then let it go... (working on it) Of course there are times when you never get a chance to say whats on your heart, that's when you have to take it to prayer, write it down and sort it out. I keep reminding myself that I am human, we all are. We are going to get hurt and hurt others, but it does us no good to dwell on it the rest of our days. I don't want to be stuck not being able to move on or enjoy my life. I have some deep emotional scars BUT knowing others have them too helps me to deal. Knowing what Christ went through here on earth for us, the pain, the rejection, going through every earthly emotion even abandonment!! He understands and he's been there in the flesh! He has our back!
Am I going to live my life as a victim, who kicks and scratches at every apparent threat? or am I going to live my life clothed in the strength of Christ, assured in his peace and confident in his love that he has freely given to me? I think the answer is quite obvious :)