Been a while - Volunteering aint so bad

...its been a while so much has happened. Im in school again and Im volunteering in the community at a homework program over a year now 3 nights a week. The program needs funds and Im thinking of ways to help out. I volunteer so my hands are kind of tied. Im looking into non profit orgs and how to start one. Don't know if its worth the bother. I don't have a charity number and its a long process. So my brain is going a mile a minute....when isin't it?

Little update...Ive been volunteering at a cooking program once a week for more than a year now in addition to the homework program. The program is going to be run by the residents and I am 1st in line to run it...this will be a paid position (if I am available after I graduate from college) . Not a bad deal for showing up and helping out huh? Not only will this benefit me financially but I work work with other organizations to bring more programs and funding into the community. Its a good thing all around.


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